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Scientists do not understand all of the chemical processes taking place in the Venusian clouds but do have evidence for survival of some biomolecules in concentrated sulfuric acid, the cloud composition of Venus. By going to the planet, we may establish:

  • Exotic chemistry, including new complex structure formations

  • New biomolecules based on behavior in extreme conditions

  • Potential signs and/or direct evidence of extraterrestrial life

No other planned missions to Venus aim to in situ study the chemical composition of the clouds. Only by taking this pioneering approach to the exploration of Venus will we increase our knowledge on the limits of habitability of extreme planetary environments and discover chemicals with potential applications in a multitude of Earth industries.

Background image of Earth and Space


What will you be remembered for? Our truly ground-breaking mission will remain past our lifetimes to help future generations of scientists here on Earth. 


Highly focused, privately funded space missions are changing the way we do space science and have the ability to give a real return on investment.

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Why support this mission?

Morning Star Missions Patch


We need to push the boundaries of today’s technology to invent new instrumentation and ways of exploring the Venusian atmosphere. These include:

  • Highly sensitive, autonomous molecule detection tools

  • Tools to measure extreme environmental conditions

  • Remote sensing technology

The commercial applications on Earth for our technologies are far-ranging, from the medical industry to advanced environmental research and monitoring. The goal is to make these tools smaller, faster, and able to work on their own in extreme environments.

NASA photo of Venus
Make Contact.

If you are interested in investing in this or future missions, please use the form below.

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