0.82 Earths
0.95 Earths
Surface gravity
0.9 g
Distance from the Sun
108 million km (152 million for Earth km)
Spacecraft travel time
3-4 months
Year length
225 days
Day length (one rotation on its axis)
243 Earth days (in the opposite direction)
Temperature on the surface
465 c / 900 f (hottest planet in the Solar System)
Surface pressure
92 bars
Wind speeds
400 km/h
Atmospheric superrotation
4 Earth days
Venus Atmosphere Basic Facts
Main Venus atmosphere composition
CO² - 96.5%; N2 - 3.5%
Temperate cloud deck - altitude range
48-60 km
Temperate cloud deck - temp. range
80ºC (at 48 km) - 0ºC (at 60 km)
Temperate cloud deck - pressure range
2 bar (at 48 km) - 0.4 bar (at 60 km)
Hydrogen depletion (ratio of D to H)
The ratio is ~100 times higher than elsewhere in the Solar System - i.e. Venus is very H-depleted.